Lawyer Team

Ma Kun

Add time:2022-08-25 09:48:17   Number of views:435  

Professional Fields:

She specializes in trademark authorization and right verification, enterprise intellectual property strategic planning, enterprise intellectual property management training and consulting, and other intellectual property affairs. She is excellent in review of refused trademark, review of non-registered trademark, review of a non-use cancellation notification, trademark opposition, response to opposition notification, response to a non-use cancellation notification, invalidation action, response to invalidation action and other intellectual property legal cases.

Practice Experiences:

Lawyer Makun, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a professional intellectual property lawyer with bachelor’s degree of law. She entered the intellectual property in 2015. After years of hard work, lawyer Makun has developed a comprehensive service model, which integrates consulting services and writing services. She analyzes each case extremely seriously and deeply, and finds out the breakthrough point of success in each case. She has successfully represented many complex and difficult cases, and has been fully recognized by corporate customers.

Some Cooperative Clients:

1. Opposition notification of trademarks “台达电” (No.26329265) (recognized as well-known trademark), “SZDELTA” (No.29848636) and figurative trademark (No.22241940) on behalf of Delta Electronics Industry Co., Ltd.

2.Response to a non-use cancellation notification of trademark “四知堂” and opposition notification of trademarks “杨氏四知堂” and “杨震四知堂” on behalf of Henan Sizhitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 

3.Opposition notification of trademark “VIGRX PLUS” and invalidation declaration of trademarks “SKINCEPTIONPRO” (No.18511155) and “HRSOLUTION” (No.30262703) on behalf of LEADING EDGE MARKETING INC (Canada).

4.Opposition notification of trademarks “牧哥火炼”“牛文哥”、“香草牧哥”、“川渝牧哥”“牛文哥”“牧二哥”“牧哥啤”“八方牧哥” “巴渝牧哥” and invalidation declaration of trademarks “巫陵牧哥”、“凤凰牧哥” on behalf of Chongqing Muge Food Co., Ltd.

Invalidation declaration of trademarks “石榴宝”(No.31615762 ) “石榴云” (No.31617284) “石榴宝”(No.31629711) on behalf of Khorgos Pomegranate Film Co., Ltd.

6.Invalidation declaration of trademark“皮乐狗” (No.24139923) on behalf of Guangdong Guige Daily Cosmetic Co., Ltd.

7.Invalidation declaration of trademark “观世” (No.20362312) on behalf of Sichuan Guanshi Tea Industry Co., Ltd. 

8.Invalidation declaration of trademark “聚宝盆” on behalf of Shenyang Xizhiyuan Grain and Oil Co., Ltd.

9.Opposition notification of trademarks “MONTPIC” “M” and review of non-registered trademark with the attendance of the original opponent on behalf of Montpic Korea Co., Ltd.

10.Opposition notification of trademark “VERSA GRIPPS” on behalf of Grip America Co., Ltd. (USA)

11.Opposition notification of trademark “桂宝” on behalf of Guangxi Wuxuan Jinpai Waterproof Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Review of non-registered trademark “TUMI” on behalf of Cartisan Jewelry Co., Ltd.

Review of refused trademark “爱护宝贝” on behalf of Tengzhou Baixin Brothers Trading Co., Ltd. 

14.Review of refused trademark of a series of trademarks “飞行人生” on behalf of Changchun  Geli Site Technology Co., Ltd.

Review of refused trademark “康硒果园” on behalf of Zibo Huilong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. 

16. Review of refused trademark of a series of trademarks “锥绒硅VVVLIKESI” on behalf of Beijing Pyoung Technology Co., Ltd.

17. Response to opposition notification of trademark “金曲” on behalf of Qufu Jinqu Trading Co., Ltd.

18.Response to opposition notification of trademark “小黄人” on behalf of Zhenjiang Ruijia Optical Glasses Co., Ltd.

19.Response to a non-use cancellation notification of trademark “雅典娜” on behalf of Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

20.Invalidation declaration and review of adjudication on opposition of trademark “演” on behalf of China Association of Performing Arts.

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