Technical support engineer team

Zhou Wenhao

Add time:2021-07-05 16:15:31   Number of views:580  

Since his employment, Zhou Wenhao has always adhered to a meticulous and rigorous work attitude and a comprehensive and flexible way of thinking. After years of learning and research, he has professional insights in the field of optoelectronics and related fields, and is skilled in handling patent applications, replies, and review cases in optoelectronics and related fields.


Practicing experience

Zhou Wenhao has many years of experience in intellectual property industry and rich knowledge and practical experience in the field of optoelectronics. After years of learning and research, he has developed his own unique way of thinking and insights in patent applications, responses, and review services in optoelectronics and related fields. Since he started his career, he has provided professional intellectual property services to well-known domestic universities such as Tsinghua University, Communication University of China, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yanshan University, Beijing University of Technology, Xiamen University, domestic key research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Grid Corporation of China and other key state-owned enterprises.


classic case

1. Acting as an agent for multiple rejection and review cases at Tsinghua University and revoking the authorization after rejection;

2. Acting as an agent for multiple universities such as Central South University and South China University to reject and review cases and directly authorize them;

3. Reply to the first review opinion notice for multiple universities and private enterprises and directly authorize them;

4. Provide application document modification and proactive correction services to multiple universities such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and successfully authorize them;

5. Provide patent mining, patent layout, and new application writing services for inventions and utility models to multiple universities and private enterprises;

6. Representing Zhejiang Silk Technology Co., Ltd. in the reexamination of method patents and granting authorization;

7. Acting as an agent for Suzhou Broadcasting and Television Station in responding to patent cases related to methods and granting authorization;

8. Provide and authorize the reply service for multiple research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;

9. Provide patent search and priority examination services for multiple universities such as Xiamen University and a certain university of the People's Liberation Army of China.

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